About Us

The madness of the Christian faith for today?

This is crazy stuff! But this is precisely ...the proposal!

 "God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty" 1 Corinthians 1:27

We are a group of Christians - from various areas, some of them, based on the Radio Transmundial de Portugal, local partner of Trans World Radio (the largest communication organization in terms of the number of languages ​​used in its broadcasts) - who have come together to offer the public - especially the youngest, but not only - help them to get to know the Christian faith in depth, and the Gospel of Jesus, to put their sincere and honest doubts about what is most intriguing in our walk under the sun. This also includes how to help them share what they have learned with their friends; wherever they are.

The academy intends, above all, to train mature youth, so that they “have one eye on heaven and the other on earth”, preparing them for a responsable Christian and citizen action, as well as for the intellectual clash in schools, on the streets and in the society.


*This is a project of Transmundial Radio from Portugal, Trans Mundial Radio from Brazil and with the support of Trans World Radio Europe and the partnership with Olive Tree Films-Brazil, the official producer of the Academy

Council Members

Foto de Ruben Pirola

Ruben Pirola

Ruben, or Rubinho, as he is known, is the General Coordinator of the Academy. He is an Italian-Brazilian citizen, Evangelical pastor that academically investigates "The Relationship between Humor and the Sacred", he has a Master's in Sciences of Religion from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo (2016/2018), postgraduate in Publication of Books and New Digital Content from Universidade Católica Portuguesa - UCP, Lisbon, Portugal (2007) and a degree in Social Communication - Advertising from Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing - ESPM, in São Paulo (1983) and a member of the Research Center on Protestantism at Mackenzie University, in addition to having been professor of Exegesis and Church History at the Metropolitan School of Theology, in São Paulo, Brazil and was a member of the 1st. Urban Theology Study Group of the City of São Paulo, from 1981 to 1982. As one of the pioneers of Christian Comics in Brazil, he was also a professor of Comics and Graphic Design from 1985 to 1996 at the Plastic Arts Department at the Federal University of Uberlândia-MG-Brasil. He created and directed non-governmental organizations and campaigns linked to social projects in Brazil, African countries and Europe, from 1998 to 2021. He is a cartoonist and author of 12 books in cartoons and comic strips (with two national awards). He was a cartoon columnist for Christianity Today-Brazil Magazine from 1997 to 2016 and has been the CEO of the communication organization Rádio Transmundial de Portugal in Lisbon, a local partner of Trans World Radio, since 2019. Since the end of 2022, he has also served as a board member of the Portuguese Evangelical Alliance.

Foto de Zé Bruno

Zé Bruno

José (Zé) Bruno is a Civil Engineer, graduated by Mackenzie Presbyterian University, Pastor graduated by the Seminary Servant of Christ-SP-Brazil, Master and Doctorate in Theology, founder and pastor-president of the Christian Church A Casa da Rocha, in São Paulo and also professor and of the Metropolitan School of Theology, of the Servant of Christ Theological School and of the theological course Caminho das Letras, with students spread around several countries. He was also vice-president of Renascer Foundation and developed social programs such as Expresso da Solidariedade (which distributed meals in needy regions of big cities) and other social projects and, more recently, with the Vosz Institute, in São Paulo. He is married, father of three children, besides being an established singer and composer, musician of Banda Resgate, one of the best known and acclaimed Christian rock bands in Portuguese language, with 32 years of career and dozens of records.

Foto de David Pedro Godoy

David Pedro Godoy

David Godoy serves as Church Planting Catalyst of the North American Mission Board in San Diego, and as one of the teaching pastors at Iglesia North Coast in Vista, CA. He’s originally from Brazil, has been married to Rebeca since 2004, and is the proud father of two teenagers: Davi and Felipe. Prior to his current role, he served at Dynamic Church Planting International for 12 years as Latin American World Zone Leader and Global Next Generation Director where he coordinated the training of 25,000+ leaders in 55+ countries, having personally traveled to 39 countries. David has served on pastoral teams in churches in Brazil and in the US. He loves soccer, foreign languages, and mobilizing the body of Christ to fulfill the Great Commission. He earned his Bachelor’s in Biblical Studies from Southeastern College, a Master’s in Theological Studies at Gateway Seminary, and is currently pursuing a Doctor of Ministry at the same institution.

Foto de Sarah Montino

Sarah Montino

Sarah C. S. Montino is a very young and talented Brazilian educator, theologian and visual artist living and serving in the city of Porto, Portugal. She was educated at the Baptist Theological Seminary in Lisbon, at the Centro Universitário Assunção - UNIFAI, São Paulo, Brazil, where she majored in Art Education and is currently studying Visual Arts and Artistic Technologies at the School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto. Together with her husband, she has served in the discipleship of teenagers and young people, in churches, camps, and also as a speaker at events in this European country, the latest of which was promoted by the Portuguese Evangelical Alliance, Expo Evangélica, in 2022. She also serves as a volunteer of the Serve The City project in Porto and as a Technology Researcher for Invisible College in Brazil.

Foto de Oswaldo Prado

Oswaldo Prado

Reverend Oswaldo Prado is a well-known leader of the Brazilian church, serving as a missionary for Sepal (OCI - One Challenge International) - Brazil, since 1999 and currently on the organization's team in Londrina, Paraná state. He also acts as a mentor for new church planter pastors at CTPI (Church Planters Training Center) and also for pastors from different communities in several countries. He serves as a consultant for the Evangelization Secretariat of the Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil and other missionary organizations and has provided training for the formation of leaders in the area of ​​missions of local churches, in addition to collaborating in the Sepal Missionary Mobilization Committee, for the recruitment of new missionaries. He served for 20 years as pastor of the Independent Presbyterian Church of Ipiranga, in São Paulo, Brazil and during this period, he became involved in missionary work. He held the presidency of the Avante Mission for 10 years and was the National Coordinator of the AD2000 Movement in the 1990s. He has been a speaker for the last 30 years at missionary conferences and congresses in Brazil and abroad. He is a writer and author of the books “Do Chamado ao Campo” (From the Call to the Field) and “Idas e Vindas” (Comings and goings). The Rev. Oswaldo Prado holds a degree in Theology from the Faculdade Teológica da Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil and a Masters in Missiology from the Faculdade Teológica Sul Americana.

Foto de Wagner Fernando Dorta

Wagner Fernando Dorta

Master of Divinity at the Servant of Christ Seminary - Brazil. He is a post-graduate from the Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul, in Suicidology, Prevention and Postvention, Self-Destructive Processes and Suicide Mourning; holds a degree in Law from Braz Cubas University (1986-1990), worked as a police investigator at DEIC (Criminal Investigations Department of the State of São Paulo) for over 33 years fighting organized crime, specialized in bank robbery gangs, security and jewellery stores companies, criminal factions, drug trafficking, money laundering, etc.. in the Bank Robbery Police Station, and as chief of the investigation sector of the Robbery and Extortion Police Station. Specializations in the area of Public Security: Specialist in Combat Money Laundering by the National Secretariat of Public Security of the Ministry of Justice and the National Police Academy. Wagner is a specialist in Intelligence and Counterintelligence by the Police Academy of the State of São Paulo (2007). As a businessman, he was the founder and CEO of Fire Custom Shop, a company that develops and manufactures effects pedals for guitar and bass, with products used by musicians around the world. He has a degree in Project Management, Mentoring (Getúlio Vargas Foundation, Time Management and Project Model Canvas (SENAC and Marketing 4.0 (Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing de São Paulo). He is also a musician, composer, and executive producer in several recordings. He participated as a guitar player and arranger in recordings in the 1980s and 1990s. Passionate about Jesus, his vocation is to take care of people, his focus is always people, their wounds, pains and helping them to develop in all areas of life. Wagner is married and father of two children.